All Metro Library locations are closed Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Library Value Calculator

Person holding cash and calculator

How valuable is your library?

Take a moment and think about your library use over the past month. Enter those numbers into the form below. This page will calculate a total cost you would have had to pay for those items if they weren’t offered by the Metropolitan Library System.

The average household in Oklahoma County pays about $70 in ad valorem property taxes each year to fund the Metropolitan Library System. You can see how quickly just a few uses of the Library quickly exceeds what you would have to pay out of pocket for the same products or services elsewhere.

Library Value Calculator

  1. In the left column, enter the number of times per month you or your family use each library material or service.
  2. The estimated retail value of each material or service will be calculated on the right.
  3. The total value of your library use is shown at the bottom of the worksheet.

Tip: Use the Tab key to navigate between boxes and do not use commas.

Input Your Use

Library Materials & Services

Value of Your Use


Estimate Values

Library Service

Value of Service

Based On

Adult Books Borrowed

$17.00 average price

Young Adult Books Borrowed

$12.00 average price

Children Books Borrowed

$17.00 average price

Audiobooks Borrowed

$10.00 download average

Interlibrary Loan Requests

$25.00 average price plus shipping

Audiobooks or eBooks Downloaded


Estimated B&N/ average

MP3s Downloaded


Estimated iTunes/ average per song

Magazines Downloaded


Estimated newstand purchase price average

Magazines Read


Estimated newstand purchase price average

Newspapers Read


Oklahoman print and online subscription (monthly)

Movies Borrowed


Estimated Netflix average

CDs Borrowed


Estimated average cost of album purchase on iTunes

Adult Programs Attended


Entertainment/program admission fee - estimated average per adult

Young Adult Programs Attended


Entertainment/program admission fee - estimated average per youth

Children's Programs Attended


Entertainment/program admission fee - estimated average per child

Public Computer Access (per hour)


FedEx Office price

WiFi Access (per day)


Estimated daily cost for paid WiFi at major hotels & airports

Database Searches


Average cost for online article search

Reference Assistance


Average library cost