Celebrate Library Card Sign Up Month!

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Program Type:

Books & Reading

Program Description

Event Description

September is National Library Card sign-up month. Visit the Southern Oaks Library and sign-up for a card during this month to enter our weekly drawing for great prizes. For current library card holders, check out four or more items at Southern Oaks Library to be entered. Guests of all ages can obtain a library card, and this is a great time to encourage children to start their own Library Adventure!

Obtain an additional entry by attending our "Exploring Library Resources" program on Mondays, September 9th through 30th. 

Drawings will be at the end of the "Exploring Library Resources" program on September 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th, at 4:30PM. We will draw from all entries received since the previous Monday's drawing. Winners will be contacted by phone if they are not present. Visit Southern Oaks Library to view the cart of prizes to choose from, located behind the circulation desk. Additionally, two children's names will be drawn at the end of the month for the opportunity to tour a fire engine with the Oklahoma City Fire Department!